January 8, 2025 9:46 AM

AGL Shines a Light on Family and Domestic Violence


Mary Spora from Upper Hunter Homeless Support at AGL’s tools down meting as part of their 16 Days of Activism.

Drivers along the New England Highway on the night of December 10 will see one of the Bayswater Power Station cooling towers lit up orange as part of AGL’s support of 16 Days of Activism. 

The global initiative aims to shine a spotlight on family and domestic violence and has also seen Muswellbrook Council lighting up buildings and domestic violence support services delivering events around the Hunter.

Since the campaign began on November 25, a variety of educational initiatives have been implemented at Bayswater, including toolbox talks and other awareness activities.

Bayswater General Manager Len McLachlan highlighted the impact of a ‘Tools Down’ presentation delivered by Mary Spora and Ashleigh Harrison from Upper Hunter Homeless Support, alongside Senior Constable Katrina Callaghan, a domestic violence liaison officer from Hunter Valley Police.

“Through their presentation, they were able to share valuable insights into their work and emphasize the steps we can take to help make a difference, particularly concerning coercive control,” Mr McLachlan said.

“They explained how objectification contributes to an environment where domestic violence can be normalized, giving perpetrators permission to continue their behavior.

“This is an issue we can address immediately, both in our workplace and when out socially. We also learned about the new legislation surrounding coercive control and received enlightening examples of what this can look like, along with ways we can support those in need.

“There was much for us all to reflect upon, and we are committed to continuing these important conversations. Lighting up one of our cooling towers on December 10 is a symbolic gesture to close out the 16 Days of Activism and reaffirm our dedication to tackling domestic violence.”

(Story supplied)