February 11, 2025 10:45 PM

Ausgrid Shares the Love with Land Council


Ausgrid field manager – Upper Hunter Adam Regan and community engagement lead Leanne Halsey with Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Lands Council admin Kemer Edwards and landcare supervisor Peter Crowe with the new trailer that will be well used by the lands council team.

A new trailer will make it easier for Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Lands Council staff and programs to make the most of their land, and it is all thanks to Ausgrid.

Lands council CEO De-anne Douglas was ecstatic to get a phone call asking what she needed, when often she has to spend a lot of time doing grant applications to fill the voids in their funding.

“Part of what we’re going to be using this trailer for is to be able to take young people out on country, we can throw things in the back of the trailer like swags and different things and be able to utilize that for our youth programs,” she shared.

“But we’re also then able to link it into our Landcare program, providing them with something that they can take out country to do the work to look after our land.”

The Ausgrid Community Giving Program invites staff to nominate organisations they feel would benefit from some financial support, and community engagement lead Leanne Halsey has been out and about seeing the projects they funded recently.

“It’s been really good just to see the difference that it makes to everybody and you know, one simple thing can make such a huge difference to somebody else,” she said.

“It’s been great to see from the employee point of view as well that things that are close to their heart and things that they’re involved in are also benefiting, as well as the organisation.”

Hunter Valley field manager Adam Regan put the LAC forward for consideration after they had staff attend cultural heritage training.