When The Hunter River Times decided to run an online decorated biscuit competition in honour of Singleton Show, the Northern Agricultural Association Ladies Committee where quick to jump on board.
They provided $100 towards the prize money for the winners which meant all four winners received $50 each in addition to a certificate and a beautiful winners sash.
Kay Stacy said the members were saddened that the show could not go ahead but also wanted to commemorate the event in some way and were keen to partner with The Times when they heard about the competition.
Show time is an extremely busy period for the committee. Many are involved with the exhibits but it is the manning of the tea rooms throughout the show that keeps all on their toes.
This year they had a well-earned rest but are more than ready to take up the challenge when the event happens next year.
Meanwhile, they are about to embark on a major sale of dinner ware and cutlery.
A sale will be held at the showground’s tearooms in Bathurst Street on November 5. They will be selling dinner plates, bread and butter plates, sweets bowls, teacups and saucers and cutlery that are now surplus to their needs.
The sale will take place from 10am to 12noon.