September 11, 2024 1:20 AM

Broke Prepares for a Once in 200 Year Celebration


Residents, past and present, are encouraged to sign the Broke banner that will be hung inside the hall and remain a reminder of the 200 year milestone for the village. Pictured are (l-r) Mick McCardle, Evelyn Hardy, Robyn Johson, Judy Cooke, Loretta Bird and Dain Simpson.

Two years after one of the most devastating flood events Broke has experienced there is a different mood in the village, one of excitement.

Preparations are in hand to celebrate 200 years since the village was established and the community will be turning on a great weekend on October 11 to 13.

Leading up the event is the banner signing.

“We are hoping that everyone who is living at Broke now or has done so in the past will come along and sign the banner before it is hung in the hall ready for the celebration,” said the unofficial mayor of Broke, Mick McCardle.

Regular signing opportunities have been held with the next opportunities on June 8 and 9 at the community hall from 10am to 2pm.  Further opportunities will be held in July.

“The banner will be hung in the hall, hopefully for the next 100 years and we really want the kids’ names on it so they can reflect on it as they grow older,” Mick said.

The highlight of the celebrations will be a community day on Saturday, October 12, at Broke Recreation Ground with a parade, a reenactment of the Broke and Bulga 1874 cricket match, music, food and coffee stalls.  There will be people dressed in period costumes and traditional children’s games.

The Story of Broke, in Broke Hall, will revisit those stories from the First Fleeters to today with videos, film and photos.

Yellow Rock, Broke’s landmark, will also be illuminated at night over the weekend.

A formal Spirit of the Vine dinner will be held at Margans restaurant on October 11 and on the Sunday a plaque will be unveiled marking the 200 years and a time capsule lodged, followed by the McNamara Mile, a walk for everyone along Broke’s new shared pathway.