On May 22 Dave Layzell was elected to office for the seat of Upper Hunter. On June 22, precisely one month after the election, the State Government announced its 2021/22 budget putting Mr Layzell in a position to fulfill some election promises.
Commenting on the budget he said much of the state’s funding will support the recovery and future prosperity of regional communities following drought, bushfires, floods and the continued covid pandemic.
Mr Layzell said the people of the Upper Hunter are set to benefit from areas such as schooling, to emergency services and health to create a safer and stronger future.
“Today I can announce that $7million will be invested for State 3 of the Muswellbrook Hospital redevelopment as part of the 2021-22 NSW budget, ensuring our local community has access to the same health facilities as those in the city,” Mr Layzell said.
Meanwhile Deputy Premier John Barilaro said the budget had a strong focus on job creating infrastructure builds to ensure local economies remain strong.
- $26.2 million in 2021/22 to commence construction of the New England Highway upgrade between Belford and the Golden Highway, including grade separation of the Golden Highway intersection.
- $24.7 million for detailed planning and site assessments for a pipeline between Lostock Dam to Glennies Creek Dam (including $11.1 million from the Commonwealth Government).
- $14.0 million in 2021/22 to continue planning and design for the New England Highway Singleton Bypass which will deliver safer, more efficient journeys for thousands of motorists every day (State and Federal Funded).
- $14.1 million to continue planning, design and pre-construction for the Muswellbrook bypass to improve travel times for long haul freight movements, and safety for all road users on the New England Highway.
- $7 million in 2021/22 (as part of a $45 million project) for the commencement of the Muswellbrook Hospital Redevelopment Stage 3.
- $4.4 million in 2021/22 (as part of a $18.9 million Restart package) for Water Security in the Upper Hunter.
- $2.5 million in 2021/22 ($12.0 million over two years) for a new Singleton Police Station to accommodate increasing police numbers in the Hunter Valley Police District and incorporate provide modern policing facilities.
- $2 million in 2021/22 for Phase 2 of design and construction of a multi-trades workshop and storage facility at Scone Connected Learning Centre.
- $400,000 in 2021/22 (as part of $700,000 State funding) for White Park Power Upgrade in the Upper Hunter.