February 16, 2025 6:57 PM

Cheers to the new water supply


Glasses will be raised from Denman to Hollydeen and onto Sandy Hollow when a new 17.5km water pipeline is built.

Muswellbrook Council has received $18.9 million from the Growing Local Economies Fund to build the Upper Hunter Water Security Project Pipeline, a network that consists of an 11km pipeline from Denman to Hollydeen and a further 6.5km pipeline connecting Hollydeen to Sandy Hollow.

State Member for Upper Hunter Michael Johnsen announced the funding last week and said the project will allow local businesses to expand their operations, open the door to new agribusiness investment opportunities.

“The pipeline has the potential to service proposed developments in the region, such as the Yarraman Abattoir and Feedlot, and still have plenty of capacity available for future commercial and industrial developments,” Mr Johnsen said.

“Building this pipeline will deliver water security for prospective businesses and provide even more reason to invest in Muswellbrook Shire and the broader Upper Hunter region.”

“The new pipeline will also deliver a secure water supply to local communities, boosting resilience to future droughts and helping strengthen agricultural employers based locally and in the western area of Muswellbrook Shire.”

Muswellbrook Shire Councillor and spokesperson for Community Engagement Steve Reynolds welcomed this news and commended the State Government for delivering this funding.

“This is great news for our Shire, delivering a vital resource to our ratepayers and wider rural area, and this pipeline will not only enhance the liveability, but also opens the door for industry and tourism,” Cr Reynolds said.

“In this current economic climate to receive the support of the State Government to this amount, sends a strong message that rural and regional NSW is being heard, and I would like to congratulate our Council staff on the behalf of the community for seeing this through.”