February 11, 2025 9:33 PM

Every Reason to Head to Denman



Denman Day Out will be back next month with entertainment and activities for the whole family.

Denman Rugby League Football Club will host the event which will be headlined by tribute band Anthology, supported by Darren Rolling Keys.

“We just wanted to do something to bring people together, the Denman Wine and Food Affair was such a big success for them, and we just wanted to try and do something very similar but in an enclosed space,” club secretary Virginia Chapman said.

There will be a range of entertainment and activities with a dedicated children’s area, away from the bars being run by Hollydeen Estate Wines, Two Rivers Wines and the senior football club.

Plenty of food will be on hand with local food trucks, as well as the junior football canteen, and local RFS barbecue as well as a range of market stalls to browse.

Entry is $15 for a single ticket, or get two for $25, with kids getting in free for the event that will run from 11am to 4pm on Saturday May 6.

“With the cost of living people are doing it tough but they still need downtime, they need entertainment, parents need to be able to sit back and relax,” Virginia said.

“I guess having it in a confined space that pressure is off so mum and dad can bring a picnic rug, sit on the oval, listen to some good music, have a glass of wine and relax.”

More Going on at Denman

This weekend will also be busy for Denman, with the Motors and Markets in town on Saturday.

The Diesel Dust and Rust Truck and Machinery Show will be at the old football oval from 9.30am to 4pm, after making their way there via a main street parade at 8.30am.

Ogilvie Street will be closed for the day, with markets operating from 10.30am to 2.30pm.  There will be live music, entertainment and activities all day, and a range of food on hand.

The Sandy Hollow Charity Horse Ride will be on as well, leaving the Tourist Hotel at 7am on Saturday, and returning for the charity auction and entertainment that night.