September 6, 2024 9:11 PM

Kay is just so beautiful (Beautiful People)


Kay Sullivan is very deserving of this edition’s Beautiful Person Bouquet.

She was nominated by Janine Kinney and this paper knows Kay’s work very well and could not agree more with the nomination.

Kay has always volunteered in her local community in a variety of ways and has always done it with great energy and enthusiasm.

For the past eight years Kay has assisted at the PCYC with its Friday Afternoon Fun program, a program that, according to Kay, is a barrel of laughs and something she enjoys just as much as the kids taking part.

The program gave her an insight into the challenges of children with disabilities and recently she accepted a role with Mosaic Disability Services which she is really enjoying.

However, it is Kay’s role with Singleton Cancer Appeal that she is literally famous for.

She has been involved with the organisation for just over 33 years and has spent most of that time as president.

“My daughter wasn’t quite 12 months old when I went to my first meeting, a friend had asked me along and I have just kept going,” Kay said.

Kay says she gets a great deal of satisfaction knowing she has the capacity to help someone.

“Cancer is something that has touched everyone and if we can help, we do,” Kay said.

The Appeal’s latest program has been the memorial garden at Singleton Hospital that has attracted the attention of many.

“It has been nice to see the hospital staff using the space as well and we have had other members of the community wanting to add to the space, it really is something very special,” Kay said.

As for her beautiful bouquet for being beautiful Kay was very much appreciative but quickly added the life she chooses to live, as busy as it may seem, is one that gives her more rewards than she could name.