September 11, 2024 12:52 AM

Make the most of the humans you work with


Nicole Furness and Angela Penton from Be Human HR have embarked on an exciting journey to empower local businesses to create happy humans in their workplaces. 

Being local themselves with experience across hospitality, mining, retail, banking agriculture, wineries they are excited about the impact they plan to have on many local businesses by make human resources (HR) affordable and attainable.

HR isn’t just about hiring new staff, it can also be about managing employees that aren’t doing so well.  Angela says that is one thing a lot of companies do really badly because it’s not something they know how to do and isn’t always an easy process.

Getting everything in place from the beginning and having set understandings is key.

Angela and Nicole have both seen unhappiness seeping into companies from confusion, when people don’t understand what their expectations are.  Some of the biggest misunderstandings are around assets, things like work phones, cars, tools, laptops etc. 

Angela says it’s important to be clear in your expectations from the beginning so that you don’t have to have those difficult conversations down the track when accidents happen or things go wrong and suggests having all those basics laid out right from the very start.

Getting your HR right can also help to maximise the potential of your workplace and create a fantastic culture where people want to work and will stay longer.  They’re also suggest that having objective professionals can help to implement big changes into your workplace. 

The most timely advice from Nicole and Angela: “Doing the same old thing won’t result in different outcomes!”

They would like to help small businesses avoid the same old traps that are fallen into time and again.  They also point out that a bad hire that runs for 3 months can end up costing up to 12 or even $15,000.00 in lost time, training and lowered efficiency; a lot more than getting some professional HR help.