While nurses are feeling the love of the community, the suggestion to freeze their wages by the NSW government has left them feeling unappreciated.
Health Services Union officials spoke with members last week and launched a petition in support of the 2.5 percent increase to the wages of nurses, cleaners, police, paramedics, firefighters and other public sector workers living in the Upper Hunter.
Shadow Minister for Health Kate Washington said the suggestion did not make economical sense.
“It makes sense to invest in our public workers, not just because of the essential roles they play in our community, but because those workers spend their wages in local businesses,” Ms Washinton said.
Ms Washington paid tribute to the 3,462 public sector workers in the Upper Hunter and said a wage freeze would be harmful to the economy.
Health Service Union told The Hunter River Times they would pursue all avenues to seek the payrise but were not considering strike action at this stage.
Meanwhile, the community can show their support to the public sector workers through the signing of the petition now being circulated. The petition calls for the Legeslative Assembly to pass legislation blocking the proposed pay cut.
The matter was heard in the Industrial Relations Commission yesterday and the substantiated case is expected to be put to the commission on June 24 and 25.
*This story was published on Friday, June 19 2020.