September 11, 2024 12:39 PM

Walking For Loved Ones Lost


Jared Jones, pictured with his dog Tess, had a long struggle with his mental health that came to an unfortunate end in January, so his mum Kate Jones is doing what she can to fulfill his dream of being able to support Lifeline for the support they gave him over the years.

It was Jared Jones’ goal to one day be strong enough to be able to speak for Lifeline and share the many stories of how they had supported him through some very dark days.

Unfortunately this would not be so, as in January after three days missing he was found to have taken his own life, but his legacy will live on in those who loved him and an event next month in his honour is a testament to this.

“Some of Jared’s friends are struggling a lot, especially his male friends from the mining industry and local mates of Aberdeen, and I thought, you know what, I could just get permission from the council and I’ll just put out a post on my Facebook to see if any of his mates would like to come along,” Katie Jones, Jared’s mum, explained of how Jared’s 9 for 9 came to be.

“I put up that post and within I think 48 hours there were over 200 people that either commented or sent me a private message saying that they’d love to come, and would I consider doing something more.”

On Tuesday September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day, the community is invited to come together for whatever level of walk they are able to take part in, be it the full nine kilometre walk along the Hunter River, or just being there to support the walkers.

“It is a nine-kilometre total walk, but you can walk nine meters if you want to walk a distance and still be part of the day,” Katie shared.

“You can cry, you can sob, you can go and sit behind a tree for a little while, but there’ll be people around who will understand you need to do that. But the conversations have been that people feel that they’re going to be speaking of someone that they loved just by turning up.”

Jared’s 9 for 9 has been registered for fundraising via where anyone wishing to donate can do so, to find out more about how to support the local event contact Kate on 0408 080 436, email ja********@gm***.com , or look the event up on Facebook.

The walk will depart from Aberdeen Sport and Recreation Centre at 10am on Tuesday September 10, and on the day registrations will be accepted.

If this story has raised any issues for yourself or anyone you know, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14, or visit for online chat support.