January 23, 2025 9:32 PM

Kamryn Goes To Nationals


Kamryn Kermode with coach Rob Allen (Photo supplied by Melbourne Fitness Photography).


Since February this year, The Hunter River Times has had the honour of covering Kamryn Kermode’s powerlifting journey as she travelled through the novice category at the Hunter Classic 2023 to placing second in the under 100kg category at GPC NSW State Titles.

Recently, Kamryn competed in the 100kg category at the GPC Nationals competition in Newcastle.

“It was daunting at first, I walked in the day before for weigh-ins and seeing the other girls, I thought I wouldn’t be strong enough in comparison,” Kamryn told The Hunter River Times.

“So, I got very overwhelmed and psyched myself out a little bit, but when I came back the next day for competition, I was fine, once I did my squats I was set.”

Kamryn gained several new personal best lifts at Nationals, successfully completing 120kg squat, up from State titles where she achieved a 105kg with an overall improvement of 37.5kg since her first competition.

She also completed a 65kg bench, an overall improvement of 5kg since her first competition and a 125kg deadlift, up from her 115kg State titles record with an overall improvement of 17.5kg since her first competition in February.

Overall Kamryn increased her competition total to 310kg, able to lift 60kg more than she was able to six months ago.

During the competition, Kamryn was for the first time able to successfully clear all her nine lifts.

“I was so proud because it was my first competition where I got all nine lifts and for a nationals competition it’s rare for a lifter to hit all nine,” Kamryn said.

“I think in my first competitions I only hit five out of nine lifts, so it was a really lucky streak to get all nine and they were solid lifts, so I’m really proud of myself.”

After competing at Nationals, a big off season awaits Kamryn with plans to rest before heading to State again next year.

“Coach and I are going to work on building strength, muscle and cardio because in competition prep you don’t really have time to do that and build your foundations, so I’m just going to spend a good six months building those foundations, so I’ll be keen not to compete for a bit and work on those.”