A roll-up of 26 players showed up for the first round of the Upper Hunter Vets’ Annual Championships held at the Denman Golf Club last week.
The mild morning produced little wind despite it being August while we welcomed visitors Frank Arena and Dave Kerr.
The event incorporated a stableford round as well.
The winner of the stableford event was Warren Rankin with 36 points, 2nd Paul Constable 33, 3rd Jim Elder 32 C/B, 4th Captain Phil Ledgerwood 32 and 5th John Belfield 31 C/B. Balls went to Lindsay Hodge and Bruce Robinson 31 and Rod Upton 30. The Bradman’s trophy, kindly donated by Gary Morley, was won by Graham Boles.
Nearest the Pins: 2nd shot on the 3rd Dave Kerr, 12th Des Partridge, 5th Bob Colbert and 14th Bruce Robinson.
Future Games: Tuesday, September 1st at Muswellbrook – the Keith Bluford Shield STFD.
New members for the Vets are always welcome. You need to be 55 and over, pay the annual membership of $15 and be a member of a local golf club.
(Story provided)